Thursday, February 23, 2012
Other musings
Heaven forbid. I'm struggling for a subject to discuss. Seems like I'm tired of hearing my own voice (or whatever the written equivalent of that is). In addition, I've very little on my mind worth pondering at the minute, so let this be an odds and sods post, a b-sides & rarities boxset, a series of doodles. In fact, I think I'm only writing this in a dire attempt to prevent February from being my worst ever month for web hits.
Perhaps I'm just exhausted. I had a particularly over scheduled weekend. I had family down; my younger brother, Sam, and my mum, Anne. So for 3 days, we walked around London, we visited the cinema and the theatre, we ate well, and generally enjoyed the company. Cinema trips were Moneyball and the Descendants. Theatre trip was Noël Coward's Hay Fever. All get good reviews from me, especially the set in Hay Fever.
So what's going on in the world of the sports that I like? Well, the New Jersey Devils are bizarrely on a winning streak. I'm still not getting my hopes up though. They generally perform well when I maintain a form of healthy scepticism to their prospects. Formula One testing has begun. The BBC are infuriating me with their coverage. The cars are incredibly ugly. They have noses like mine with bumps and steep drops where there should be curves.
On the note of curves, I watched Gentlemen Prefer Blondes for the first time recently. Why two such complex and interesting characters would end up with two so vacuous and passive men is beyond my comprehension. Such incredible costumes though. Why is women's fashion so depressingly better than men's? In addition, I read an incredible article on Marilyn Monroe in Joan's Digest. Find it here:
It's quite a depressing article. I found that the article, in conjunction with a Thinking Allowed episdode (found yonder: ) and a blog post by the enchantingly talented Caitlin Laura Allen (entitled 'Ryanair - there’s a time and a place', located there: ), made me feel completely out of place in society. I can't relate to the 70-odd% of people who partake in sexual infidelity. I can relate to Ms Monroe's feelings of inadequacies and intense pressure, although they obviously stem from different experiences and manifest themselves in less harmful, more passive ways. I also agree with Ms Allen's opinions and her general intellectual manner when discussing those base activities that I find myself preoccupied with. So why do I feel so isolated and out of place? I don't think I'm more intelligent or self aware than anyone else.
I need to read more. At least when I was reading Woody Allen, I was inspired to write knock off "funny" stories. Same with Hemingway. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. What a ponder.
It's my birthday soon. I shall be going to the following events:
The first is on Sat 3rd March - quote-a-long Ghostbusters. Methinks a few drinks will be needed prior. The second is a double bill of the Terminator and Robocop on Monday 5th March, my actual birthday. My exams are coming close so I should be studying more and not seeing three films at a weekend, but these three are so interwove into my childhood that I felt the fates themselves move to tell me I should be celebrating my birthday this year. As readers of this blog (yes, all three of you), I'm cordially inviting you to come and and bring cordials.
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