Drat, another mostly 'B' led blog title. Curses to you twitter! You ruin everything.
Here's a short post (yes, my first filler post - but damn it I'm compelled to do this at least twice weekly!!!!) to keep you up to tabs on my life in the only capital city England has to offer.
Since Tuesday, not a lot has happened. I've been to work twice, I've come home from work twice and I've managed to completely screw up untying my laces twice upon my arrival home. This can only mean one thing, and if you know what that is, could you please tell me? I'm quite concerned.
Last night I caught up with Blue Valentine, which I've been waiting to do for ages! After all the Sundance buzz, I wanted to catch it at the BFI London FilmFest, but all the screenings after work sold out wayyyy to quickly. I also missed out in January, probably because I was moping too much (blame the cryfest combo of Rabbit Hole & Never Let Me Go). Annoyingly, I wish I had caught it in the cinema. I love my bleak films, but sometimes it's hard to take them all in at once at home. If I can lock myself into a pitch black cinema, I'll generally appreciate these films way more. Plus, I'll probably cry. I am an absolute sucker when it comes to crying in cinemas. Even the nauseatingly romantic ending to Julia's Eyes had me in tears. I didn't cry during Blue Valentine, but I know I would have been in floods if I'd have seen in a moviehouse.
This film is actually a really good comparison to another film I saw recently (Last Night with Keira Knightley and Sam Worthington). Well, I say comparison, I mean both are films about adult relationships, dealing with couples who are falling apart, but one of these films is completely vacuous and t'other is not (guess which!). Also, Blue Valentine is incredibly well composed, each of the cuts in narrative has been incredibly well thought through in order to emphasize aspects of the story, the characters of Ryan Gosling & Michele Williams or simply to really hit the gut of the audience. Last Night, however, simply overlays the "message of the film" over shots of the significant other not present. To emphasize what? It's unclear. The only point it seems to put across is "look the person we can hear is physically/emotionally unfaithful to person we're looking at and they're not thinking about them". Meh. Ryan Gosling's hairline steals the show.
Last Wednesday, I went to Birmingham. Yes, this is late reporting. I went to help a friend of mine (one Mr Jonathan Hatfull) move to London in order to find his fame and fortune. It was a bit grim of a trip. The weather was a tad miserable and the journey took me through some places I wasn't keen on revisiting (this is a story that may have involved a girl - but that's another blog post all to its own). Anyway, I'd like to say a big welcome to Mr Hatfull, a gifted writer and true friend. London is that much more friendlier with him in it.
So, after years of resisting, I'm taking twitter seriously. My handle/username/sillypagetitle is @benshep88 if you want to get in touch. Yes, now I have another place to store all my tedious thoughts! The world is now a better place!
Other musings
Hitchcock fest continues tonight hopefully with Shadow of a Doubt. Given how much I love Joe Cotton and black and white films, I'm hoping this lives up to expectations.
I promise this blog will have pictures soon! I am definitely going to sort my picture taking device out!
Upcoming films! Kaboom on Saturday (following a nice haircut, hopefully), Bridesmaids on Sunday (following the gym, hopefully) and then Evangelion 1.1 and the Last Picture Show from LoveFilm. How exciting.
I am never watching the Apprentice ever again. Such a shoddy show - terribly edited and really conveying some horrible morals/messages.
I need to make a mix tape. Well, technically two, one for jogging, one to impress people. If you have music that is fit for jogging or you love a couple of bands that no one is likely to have heard of in the UK, please get in touch.
I feel like a cheese toastie for dinner.
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